Meet the Neighbors

Landers-20141127-4773-300pWe live in a hundred-year-old house that belonged to my grandparents. Our next door neighbors are my parents, “Nana” and “Grandpa.” Having grown up next door to my Grandma Millie, I know how awesome this is for our kids. The boys know just where to go for treats and extra hugs.

Nana and Grandpa are willing, if sometimes skeptical, participants in our eco-friendly farming endeavors. We are learning from each other.

They are retired teachers. Nana taught science, while Grandpa taught carpentry. They are both long-time Scouters and active volunteers. They taught me (and are still teaching me) to value generosity, hard work, and doing things right.

Grandpa loves tools. It’s a love that benefits everyone here on the farm. He recently popped in and said with a grin, “Can I get help unloading my truck? I got a new toy.” The shiny red chipper/shredder that we’re going to borrow is going to make a lot of mulch. I’ll be asking Grandpa to share some of his best tool tips with our readers and viewers.

Nana has always been the creative activity leader. She has closets full of craft materials and Sharpies of every color. And she has game ideas that kids love. On a recent trip to an indoor playground, she was leading her grandkids in a game and young strangers gathered around her, too. I’ll be inviting her to share some of her favorite nature-themed activities here.

Read more about the team.